Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mixing it up

I never got around to posting this last night, but yesterday the prompt was to mix patterns. After the rest of the prompts this week, this one felt easy. In actuality, most of my clothing is solid, and that goes double for my winter clothes. So the fact is, I didn't have all that many options. I put this together pretty quickly. I really liked this outfit, but I didn't feel like I was stretching myself with it. I don't bat an eyelash at stripes with patterns now. :) It was fun seeing everyone else's pattern mixing. Quite the stripy group!

The 10 Day Winter Challenge is weekday gig, so I'll be back Monday with another outfit.

Sweater, The Limited. It was a gift several years ago. Striped shirt, jeans, shoes, thrifted.


  1. That goes great together- lovely!

  2. Another nice one!

    Does taking this challenge inspire you to see your wardrobe with new eyes, and perhaps continue to "challenge" yourself?

    (another) Elizabeth


Thanks for sharing your thoughts--I love hearing from you!